The Sakichi Toyoda Memorial House (豊田佐吉記念館) is dedicated to honorin…
The Arai Sekisho (新居関跡) is the only remaining checkpoint in Japan and…
The Arai-shuku Hatago Kinokuniya Museum (新居宿旅籠紀伊国屋資料館) is a valuabl…
The Komatsuro Community Development Center (小松楼まちづくり交流館) is a renov…
Located at the Imagireguchi (今切口) where Lake Hamana (浜名湖) and the P…
Shiomizaka (潮見坂), known as one of the Tōkaidō's most scenic spots, …
The Enshū Arai Tezutsu Fireworks, designated as a City Cultural Ass…
The Kosai Mountain Range (湖西連峰) is a series of mountains located on…