Kikkokuzan Daitoin Temple

Daitoin, known for the grave of Mori no Ishimatsu, a well-known character in rokyoku/naniwa-bushi narrative singing, was founded by Zen priest Jochu Tengin in 1411 (Oei 18).
It is a famous temple of Tokai Soto Zen and a direct descendant of Sojiji Temple, the main temple of the sect, with 3,400 branch temples nationwide.
In the precincts of the temple, there are many legends related to Zen priest Jochu, such as an “inextinguishable lantern” that is said to have remained unextinguished since the founding of the temple, a "pestle of the successor", "sand of the boundary", etc. It is also called the "Temple of Legends".
In fall, the temple precincts are brightly colored with autumnal leaves.