Two major gods 「God of Oyamatsumi」「God of Kotoshironushi」

Two major gods, the "God of Oyamatsumi" and the "God of Kotoshironushi**" are enshrined at the Mishima Taisha shrine.
They are called "Mishima Daimyojin", on the great gods of mishima shrine.
(*1)"God of Oyamatsumi" means "the great god of the mountain" and is described in Japanese mythology.
(*2)"God of Oyamatsumi" also has a different name, "Watashiokami***".
(*3)"Wata" of "Watashiokami" means "god of sea" in ancient Japanese word. In other words, the "God of Oyamatsumi" governs both the mountains and the sea.
The "God of Kotoshironushi” in Japanese mythology coming the word of God and hence is known as "understanding the words".
If you worship and pray at this shrine, it is said that you receive the favor of a "huge & rich harvest" and "business success".
Because the prayers of the first Shogun(general) of Kamakura era, "Minamoto-no-Yoritomo" were answered, it is also known as the shrine of raising an army.
Mishima shrine is also recommended to worshipers who wish a "good start" or want to fulfill a "long-cherished wish".