Koshikiri-Fudo Stone Statue

The Koshikiri-Fudo Stone Statue is a stone Buddha image found at the bottom of the Goten River in 1633.
It got its name, "Koshi(waist) kiri(cutting)", because it is only carved from the upper part of the waist; no lower part of the body.
It is believed to bless people by curing diseases in the lower part of the waist, and also giving women easy births.
A festival was held regularly in the area on the 28th of January, May and September until the 1950s, but this statue was forgotten over time.
Citizen groups and local people cooperated and resumed the festival in 1999 for the first time in about 40 years, and thereafter the Great Festival has been held on May 28th, along with regular festivals being held on January 28th and September 28th each year.