Shikoku Automobile Museum
The only automobile museum in Shikoku, in Noichi, Konan city.
The museum mainly exhibits race cars and classic cars from the 60s to 80s, but also has rare 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled cars from both Japan and abroad.
The only automobile museum in Shikoku, in Noichi, Konan city.
The museum mainly exhibits race cars and classic cars from the 60s to 80s, but also has rare 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled cars from both Japan and abroad.
PROレースカーやクラシックカー好きなら一日いても足りないくらい。 入口からド迫力のレースカーが展示されています。 車、二輪など、年代物の車が美しく飾られています。 見ごたえのある展示となっており、間違いなく映える写真が撮れます。 車に詳しくなくても、美しいデザインに魅了されること間違いなし。