Kankyo Koryu Kan
The Inagawa Kankyo Koryu Kan is a facility built on the former site of the municipal swimming pool.
Residents petitioned for its construction to protect local killifish and pass on the beauty of nature to future generations.
The facility aims to promote the town's rich natural environment by showcasing rare aquatic creatures to raise awareness for environmental conservation.
It is also a facility to quickly grasp environmental information in the town, spread awareness, exchange information with environmental groups, and promote interactions between groups.
In the outdoor biotope, visitors can see many killifish (designated as a class-II endangered species in Japan's Red Data Book), once a thriving species, swimming in the water.
More than 20 species of aquatic life swim in the exhibition room, allowing visitors to see the town's rare aquatic life up close and personal.
The Social Hall is used to host various events and provide a place for learning and interacting between groups.