The three stone dry docks constructed at the former Yokosuka Arsenal during the late 1860s to 1880s are the oldest dry docks in Japan.
These docks are still operational within the U.S. Naval Base visible across the waters from Verny Park.

This site is a satellite spot for the Yokosuka Route Museum, a unique way to experience the entire city as a “museum” with “routes” that connects together the history, culture, and natural environment of Yokosuka.


Kusugaura-cho, Yokosuka, Kanagawa

046-822-8484 (Lifelong Learning Div., Yokosuka City)

【Opening hours】
Not Open to the General Public
(Viewable from Verny Park)

【Regular Holidays】
Not Open to the General Public
(Viewable from Verny Park)

Not Open to the General Public
(Viewable from Verny Park)

Viewable from Verny Park
1-minute walk from JR Yokosuka Station.
5-minute walk from Shioiri Station.

Viewable from Verny Park
Verny Park Parking Lot, Additional Parking Available Nearby



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