Kitamae-bune-Related Documents

Materials related to ships sailing from Osaka to Hokkaido include "Sadoya guest boat record," Koshimakijizo," "grapnels," "Gokurakuzaka," and "Kotohira Shrine worship’s decorative dragon sculpture.” Ujou Noguchi reads, "Noto’s Fukura Koshimakijizo stopped another sailing this morning." Grapnels are anchors from the age of ships sailing from Osaka to Hokkaido.
They became common around the 17th Century.
A grapnel is made from forging multiple layers of steel plates.
This grapnel was salvaged from the sea near the Fukura Port.
Its length is 259 cm.
It is considered to be one of the oldest in Japan (made in the 18th Century) due to its form.
Gokurakuzaka is a cemetery for unknown persons of more than 300 bodies, including the bones of sailors on ships sailing from Osaka to Hokkaido and unidentified courtesans.
There are some tombstones and Echizen Rock (Shakudani Rock) transported by ships sailing from Osaka to Hokkaido were used and can be found.
Currently, the cemetery has been improved, the Rokujimyogo Statue has been moved from the old crematorium, and the Rokujizo (6 jizo statues) has also been enshrined. The ward cuts grass in the area annually and holds a memorial service.
Kotohira Shrine’s shrine worship dragon ornament sculpture was donated by Osaka Wataya Yoshimatsu (Myorikimaru).
This architrave was donated by the boatman Chugoro on the Notoichinomiya Nishimuraya's boat, Seitokumaru.
The Komainu (lion-dog) was also donated by Nishimuraya Keijumaru.