The arrangement of the beautifully colored construction of the four inner shrines is known as Hiraoka-zukuri (Ouji-zukuri). From left to right, the second shrine, the first shrine, the third shrine, and the fourth shrine are all lined up next to each other.
The main deity enshrined in the first shrine is Amenokoyane no Mikoto.
His wife, Himemikami is enshrined in the second shrine, Futsunushi no Mikoto in the third shrine, and Takemikazuchi no Mikoto in the fourth shrine.
The shrine has a long history, and in the Goshintokuki, it was recorded to have been destroyed by fire in Tengi 4 (1056 AD) and in the first year of the Houji era (1247 AD).
During the Warring States period, it was burned in Tensho 7 (1579 AD) by the army of Oda Nobunaga who sought to unify Japan. In Keicho 7 (1602 AD), Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s son Hideyori restored the shrine.
The current shrine was constructed in 1824 AD.